Free Items for the Community

At VBC, we strive to be a church that reaches out to our community and serves those in need. While we cannot meet everyone’s needs, our Paper Pantry is one way we aim to help.

The Valpo Baptist Paper Pantry offers a variety of essential items at no cost. It is open on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month from 6–8 PM. Simply choose the Wednesday that works best for you and receive the items you need (Please Bring ID).

If you are unable to visit during these times, please contact our office to make alternate arrangements. We look forward to serving you!

📞 Phone: (219) 464-1443

Examples of items we offer: Body wash (adult & kid), Shampoo (adult & kid), conditioner, bar & hand soap, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, dish soap, floor & spray disinfectant, q-tips, lotion, feminine products, razors, men’s & women’s deodorant, toothbrush & toothpaste (adult & kid), toilet paper & paper towel.